
Implementations of core Apache Kafka and Franzy serializers. For more serializers, see Franzy docs.


(->DebugSerializer logging-fn serializer)

Positional factory function for class franzy.serialization.serializers.DebugSerializer.


(->EdnSerializer opts)

Positional factory function for class franzy.serialization.serializers.EdnSerializer.



Positional factory function for class franzy.serialization.serializers.KeywordSerializer.



Positional factory function for class franzy.serialization.serializers.SimpleEdnSerializer.



Kafka raw byte array serializer. Useful for value serialization.


(debug-serializer logging-fn serializer)

Simple debug serializer that wraps your serializer and desired logging function. The logging function should take at least a single arity. The function will receive a map of state information with the following possible keys, which you may choose to destructure accordingly:

  • :serializer - An instance of the serializer itself
  • :fn - Keyword name of the function being logged. Possible values [:configure :serialize :close]
  • :configs - Optional, present when configuring serializer, and only applicable for certain types of serializers
  • :is-key - Optional, present when configuring the serializer, and only applicable for certain types of serializers
  • :topic The topic being serialized, when calling serialize.
  • :data The data being serialized, when calling serialize.

Example usage:

(debug-serializer (fn [{:keys [fn serializer configs is-key topic data] :as m}] (timbre/debug "full debug map:" m) (when data (timbre/info "data:" data))) (edn-serializer))


(edn-serializer)(edn-serializer opts)



Kafka integer serializer. Useful for key serialization.



A serializer that serializers string values as keywords. Useful for key serializers.



Kafka long serializer. Useful for key serialization.


(serializer serializer-fn)(serializer serializer-fn configure-fn close-fn)



A simple EDN deserializer for small amounts of data for Kafka. Useful for value serialization.



Kafka string serializer. This serializer allows serializing values without a key.